Junior Service League of Beaufort is a local 501(c)3, non-profit organization that serves Beaufort, Jasper and Hampton counties. The league is made up of incredibly dedicated women from Beaufort County. Each year we come together to bring two major fundraisers (Touch a Truck and JSLB Jubilee), our signature service project- JSLB Prom Boutique‚ several additional service projects/drives, and we grant out monies to other local non-profits.
Our mission is: The Junior Service League of Beaufort is an organization of women committed to promoting volunteerism. Membership in the JSLB offers an opportunity to build meaningful relationships with others who share a desire to give back to our community. Through the talents of our diverse membership we will support and enrich the lives of women, children and families in our community. Together we have a greater impact than we do individually.
As our communities continue to grow, so does the need. Just this year we received requests for more than $30,000. We do our best to fund as much as possible and every donation helps us get closer to filling the need.
To learn more about the details of what the league does with our donations, feel free to contact President, Emily Kremer at president.jslb@gmail.com. Thank you for your consideration!
To Donate to the league, please click below:
Mail a Check: P.O. Box 1964, Beaufort, SC 29901
Donate Online: